So, if you saw the trailer for "Get Out," you saw the movie. It is predictable, and the typical horror movie about a victim escaping from a perpetrator and discovering that most of those thought to be allies are actually foes. The only interesting point the movie may be making is revealed in the beginning when the viewer sees through photographs the main Black male character has taken, that he grew up in a dangerous, urban environment. One presumes that Chris, the Black male lead character, chose to be with a White woman due to his deep-seeded anger against a Black woman for raising him in a ghetto and stealing his childhood. Is that what this movie is about? Is it meant to encourage critical thinking about why Black males choose to date outside of their race? Is it a warning to Black men about dating outside of their race, especially re. White women? At least one review I came across said that the movie reminds of the Kanye West-Kim Kardashian relationship. Most of the reviews I have heard or come across make the obvious point about the movie being satirical concerning racism and the difficulties of being in an interracial relationship. I haven't read enough reviews of the movie to know if I am the only one who thinks the movie is a commentary about the reason behind some interracial relationships.
The movie's writer and director, Jordan Peele, is bi-racial (Black father, White mother) and married to a White woman. One wonders if his art has imitated his own life and conscious.
Let's explore my takeaways from "Get Out," that Black males date out of their race because they are angry at their Black mothers, then date out of their race only to realize that all White women are not the perfect, liberal creatures they are shown to be through media images and their urban public school educations. Most of the interracial relationships I have witnessed do not last as long as anticipated and end with the White female being disappointed that she wasn't able to completely domesticate her seemingly virile counterpart, and the Black male being disappointed that all vaginas are the same after all, and the Black male realizing that his complete and total submission was the point of it all anyway.
To be clear, this note is not meant to suggest that there is anything wrong with interracial relationships. It is simply meant to examine the motives behind them.
So, how exactly do Black females hand their counterparts over to others? Like this:
- By raising their children in poverty. Folks: Poverty is devastating. It robs those who experience it of their childhood and almost certainly guarantees permanent crippling. Black people who grow up in poverty need to make a pact to not have children until after their escape from poverty is secured. STOP THE PRESSES: I am not saying that it is okay for impoverished White people to have children. It is not okay for anyone who is not emotionally, mentally, financially, and otherwise prepared to have children, to have children. I am specifically addressing Blacks because that's who I am writing about at this particular time. And by "Blacks," I am referencing people of the entire African diaspora, North American Blacks, so-called Caribbeans, continental "Africans," and other folks who can logically be considered "Black."
- By being bad role models. A mother is the first model of a woman a child has. If she screws this up, she risks scarring a child's perception of women who look and feel like her. Children watch their parents' behavior. They want a parent of which they can be proud. Offspring are not thrilled about showing of loud, obese, insecure, or otherwise ill parents. Bad role modeling occurs when, for example, a parent engages a revolving door of mates, allows various significant others to live with the family, or allows a significant other to live in the home without working or acting like an adult.
- By choosing the wrong fathers for their children. One of the biggest problems we have in the "Black" community is that there is no orientation: We do not teach our boys and girls how to be men and women. Unfortunately, there is no explicit or implicit teaching. Our offspring tend to grow up not knowing what their responsibility to themselves and their community is. We do not teach them, for instance, that when they are searching for a mate, they should consider that person's character and quality and consider the long-term ramifications of engaging with the person.
- By allowing their children's subjugation and abuse. Children rightfully and reasonably expect their caretakers to protect them from harm. When mothers allow a significant other to abuse, credibility is diminished. Allowing adults to bully or coerce children provokes feelings of insecurity in children.
- Mostly number one.
There: I said it.