Mission Statement

The mission of "A Better Village" is to encourage improved social, emotional, and intellectual functioning through blog posts that ignite critical thought and analysis. There is an African proverb which states that "it takes a village to raise a child." This blog was created with that idea in mind, and with an intention toward provoking adults to improve so that the generations behind us have a model of mature adult behavior, community development, personal responsibility, and critical thought.

This blog is also meant to be a response, supplement, or answer, to the so-called "Black magazines" that seem to have strayed away from their original purpose. Nowadays, the Black magazines I'm aware of, do not honestly or thoroughly address the ills affecting Blacks, and have become nothing more than the "Black" version of news presented through more mainstream media. For instance, I can find out about the latest fashion styles, lipstick shades, and health crazes through any magazine. I want to know what we—“Blacks”—have to do to recover from the psychological impact of our past, so that we can transcend the negative images we, and others, have of us. If you do too, you will enjoy this blog.
The underlying premise is that Blacks have not fully recovered from the psychological impact of Slavery, and that we continue to perpetuate relationships that are reminiscent of plantation life. Many of the posts on this site will reference Slavery, and the connection between it and the issue being addressed.
This blog is not for the light-hearted. If you don't like the truth, or having your behavior called out, this blog will cause you to lose sleep at night. For you, it won't be refreshing, it will be scary. But for those of us with open minds and hearts--and eyes toward personal and community evolution--"A Better Village" will be paradise!

This blog is not only for Blacks. The commentary, movie and media reviews, and advice, published on "A Better Village" can be useful to all.

Contact:  abettervillage@gmail.com


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