Sunday, May 7, 2017

How to spot a chickenhead

The term "chickenhead" became popular in the 90's to describe females who were unwanted for some reason or another. According to how the term was used, the disdain seemed to typically refer to sexual indiscretion or the female's attitude. One presumes that the term"chickenhead" came about because a chicken's head is often discarded as an unwanted part of the chicken as chicken is being prepped for cooking. That is how the term will be used throughout this blog--to describe undesirable females whose behavior and attributes make them a hindrance to the advancement of mankind, and especially the Black race. Chickenheads are proof positive that most Blacks have not recovered from the psychological impact of the Enslavement Process or Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, because they engage in behavior that perpetuates inferiority. These behaviors include, but are not limited to, gossiping, intentionally flirting with and/or sleeping with males who are involved in intimate/romantic relationships with other females/women, promiscuity, and other sexual and social indiscretions. Chickenheads are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

Chickenheads come in all different races, ethnicities, shapes and sizes, but this blog deals mostly with unresolved issues that plague the Black race (which includes North American Blacks, so-called Caribbeans, Continental "Africans," and others).

As the best way to avoid an enemy is to know him or her, this page, "Chickenheads/Thots/Angry Birds/Lucifer's Ladies/Satan's Helpmates" is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of Chickenheads, their tendencies, how to avoid them, how to transcend their wrath, and how to rid the world of them.

How to spot a chickenhead

Chickenheads have evolved. In the 90's, they could be counted on to break a boy's heart or ego--and that's just about all they were known for. Today, their repertoire is more expansive, which includes but is not limited to the behavior patterns described below. 

Gossip.  Gossip may be the hallmark of the chickenhead. Gossip is unnecessary, untrue, and unkind statements about another human being. Chickenheads gossip to get attention, to control the reputation of females to which they feel inferior, and please to please Satan. Chickenheads are very clever about their gossip. They know exactly whose listening when they speak. They speak loud enough for their intended audience to hear, while acting as if they only mean for other chickenheads to hear. Their gossip generally concerns the subject victim's sexuality or personality--two aspects of the chickenhead's own life that is typically in shambles, and about which the gossiping chickenhead is ashamed. 

Like most beings that do not know how to communicate their unhappiness, chickenheads live in opposites. They misplace their own feelings of shame and unhappiness onto others. For example, if a chickenhead perceives that she is a slut or that others perceive her to be a slut, she will gossip about others being a slut in order to take the attention off of her own promiscuity. When chickenheads are jealous of another's sexual decency, she will describe the victim of her gossip as being dysfunctional or weird in some way, because she is jealous that she did not have the courage or discipline to remain chaste. The chickenhead may even lie to make her subject victim's sexuality appear to be the opposite of what it really is. Sad, I know. 

Lack of Critical Thinking Skills. Chickenheads make a lot of assumptions and uneducated guesses. This is likely because they are afraid of the truth, which is that they are inadequate and unwilling to do the work it takes to evolve. Chickenheads use bits of information and misinformation to bolster the lies they choose to believe, and stories they make up about others. Usually, these are stories that make the people they are jealous of appear inferior to them in some way. 

For example, a chickenhead will see a male and female having dining together. It(1) will repeat that the two seen dining are dating or "hooked up" (had casual sex), even though the two seen dining may have been having a business meeting, or could just be friends. And that's how rumors get spread: Beings spreading or reciting unnecessary information that is none of anyone's business, and for which facts are unknown or unverified. Sad, I know. But chicken heads have a lot of time on their hands, and cannot be busy cultivating their own personal and social lives because they have none. 

Be wary of females--chickenheads--who fabricate information about others, then act as if their stories or thoughts are reality, and work to convince others that their misinformation or delusions are so.

Sense of Entitlement. Most chickenheads' history of childhood poverty, social and emotional neglect and childhood sexual abuse, results in them having a sense of entitlement. Some beings are able to recover from these circumstances, but some of those who do not, end up being useless chickenheads. 

Chickenheads feel that they have been cheated out of having the life they wanted or deserved. Instead of working to triumph over their losses, or working towards redemption, they have become bitter, sore-hearted individuals who try to destroy others' happiness, and who seek validation from happy people. For example, one of chickenheads' chief complaints is that people do not "speak" to them.  Remember: Chickenheads are liars, so by "speak" they really mean "initiate an extensive conversation that gives me the opportunity to get into your business so that I can confirm that you are really as unhappy as me." Chickenheads thrive off of other females initiating conversations with them so that the chickenhead can get into their business, then blame the subject victim for any information that is released as the subject-victim is the one who invited the conversation. That's why chickenheads get so angry when other females do not "speak" (initiate conversation) with them.

Chickenheads' deviousness is not to be underestimated. 

Hypersensitivity. See "Lack of Critical Thinking Skills" and "Sense of Entitlement" above.

Illigocial Behavior.  Chickenhead behavior is symptomatic of a mental health issue brought on by trauma and stress. Most mental (and physical) health issues are the result of an imbalance. Chickenheads have experienced a lot of unhappiness in their lives, which has caused them to see the world and experience life in a skewed manner. 

A chickenhead will, for example, profess not liking another female then get upset when that female does something that indicates that dislike. A chickenhead will gossip about a female then get mad if that female does not initiate conversation with her or invite her to a party, or a chickenhead will gossip about a person then initiate conversation with that person as if they are not in the process of attempting to ruin that person's reputation. Two-faced, double-standard behavior is a tell-tale sign that you are witnessing a chickenhead.

Cock Blocking. Another hallmark of the chickenhead is their cock-blocking. Cock blocking occurs when a jealous female illuminates the flaws of a female she is jealous of, or says or does something to the female of which she is jealous, to block something good that is about to happen to that female. The best example is when a male gives a female attention and the chickenhead is not getting any attention. The chickenhead would do something like bring up the person's STD history--anything to block the potential happiness.

An inferiority complex is at the core of cock blocking, and any attempt at competing unnecessarily with others. Chickenheads will do just about anything to make themselves feel better than their counterparts. Chickenheads think that others' wins are their losses. They do not understand that happiness can be shared by all. "It's either me or you," they think.

Chickenheads are generally and pervasively unhappy people. As misery loves company, their goal is usually to infect as many people as possible so they will not feel so alone. 

(1)  Sometimes "it" will be the pronoun used for the chickenhead, because chickenheads are not "real" people. Their behavior makes them inhumane.