Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tips for presidential candidates from overlooked group of Blacks

Although both North American presidential candidates have called themselves reaching out to “Blacks,” by making one or two speeches at so-called “Black” churches, and a couple of other events at which they figured “Blacks” would be, there is one group of Blacks both presidential candidates have missed, and that could be important to a victory. 

Elite North American Blacks are a relic whose minds may not yet be made up about the upcoming presidential election. Don’t let the word “elite” confuse you, we are not to be confused with the Black Bourgeoisie—the Blacks Lawrence Otis Graham most likely refers to in his book, Our Kind of People, Blacks who have attended elite academic institutions and tend to have experience with the finer things in life—college educated Blacks who are defined by their worldly accomplishments and travel. We may or may not be members of the Black Bourgeoisie, but we do not define ourselves by status or pretention.

This note concerns itself with elite North American Blacks—Blacks who trace their preceding generations to North America. Blacks whose immediate forefathers were likely sharecroppers, newly freed slaves who literally “pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.” I am talking about North American—not Caribbean or Continental African—Blacks whose ancestors have been in North America since the Enslavement Process (or Slavery as it is commonly referred) ended. We are sometimes referred to as southern Blacks, but it isn’t only southern North American Blacks who industrialized. Truth be told:  Like the Enslavement Process (or Slavery), it’s just a matter of historical circumstance. During and after Slavery, some Blacks ended up in the North and the other states that existed at the time, and they industrialized and succeeded just like the “southern” Blacks.

Elite North American Blacks are defined by aforementioned heritage and their understanding of White Supremacy, as demonstrated by their ability to transcend poverty while maintaining knowledge of their history, a sense of personal responsibility, and their insistence on helping pull their successors up without turning their noses up at anyone. Elite North American Blacks are defined by their balanced mentality. We are smart, not because we have attained higher education because we haven’t all attended college or have elite jobs or social statuses. We are smart and leadership-capable because we are critical thinkers who do not perpetuate the habits of other upper class groups without considering the impact of simply copying what others do. We understand that “upper class” does not consist of habits, tendencies, or pretentions. Our mindset makes us upper-classed, not the size of our bank accounts, the institutions we attended, organization memberships, or social statuses. We may or may not be Jack and Jillians, and members of other highly-regarded organizations. We may even be the first in our families to attend college or attain graduate and professional degrees. We have made the best of our situations and truly understand the meaning of diversity.

We are not put off by Trump’s stand on immigration, because we are not immigrants. We consider this country to be just as much ours as it is anyone else’s because this country would be nothing without the blood, sweat, tears and labor of our forefathers. We do not support bans on immigration, but we aren’t necessarily committed to fighting for immigrants’ rights because we are disgusted by Blacks and immigrants who come to this country and adopt the same racist attitudes towards us that Whites do, by stereotyping us and refusing to acknowledge our diversity, all while taking advantage of gains that we and our forefathers made possible. We are disgusted at the idea and stereotype that we are lazy and lack industriousness. We are repulsed by delusional Blacks who equate the term “African-American” with synonyms that undermine our success, all while bringing their troubles to this country and being coded as “African-American.” We defy the stereotypes depicted of us in many reality television shows.

We do not necessarily support the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. We don’t think it addresses the root cause of any problem. We don’t protest. We are silent and discreet. Our actions and success speak for itself.

We are offended by the notion that we have to vote Democrat in any election. We know that Candidate Clinton does not understand Blacks any more than Candidate Trump.

We are hard to find. You may not find us in the Black Church, for it is too basic for us. The patronization that most “Black” churches offer is a waste of our time. Our group of friends and associates is small, because few are sharp enough to handle our company. Candidates wishing to  address us must therefore intersperse their answers during debate, and other public statements, with tidbits that let us know they know we exist. Candidates have to be brave enough to acknowledge that the Black Lives Matter movement is not the sentiment of all Blacks and that there is more to the question of police brutality than what the BLM movement supposes. Candidates have to be brave enough to do what Senator John Edwards did when he was running for president:  He acknowledged that this country has unresolved historical baggage, presumably referencing the Enslavement Process and the fact that Blacks never recovered from that period—unless I am delusional and misinterpreted his sentiment.

Respecting the topic of race, as it has come up in this year’s presidential happenings, the Elite North American Black is not impressed with either candidate. Neither Clinton, nor Trump, have shown an understanding of the real issues impacting “Blacks”, which is that most Blacks’ social, emotional, and economic station is directly related to the perpetuation of a poverty that was created generations ago and remains unresolved. Either candidate could definitively gain our vote by acknowledging the existence of the Elite North American Black and our contributions and importance to America.

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